Zoo in Torquay
There is 1 zoo found in Torquay. This is 14% of all the tourist places listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Torquay attractions on this page to choose from.
Torquay Map with Zoo
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List of Torquay Zoo
There is only one zoo listed in Torquay. Click on the zoo name bellow to find detailed information on it.
Other Zoo
The following zoos are found outside Torquay. They are sorted from nearest to farthest distance from Torquay.
3.5 MilesTotnes Road, Paignton - TQ4 7EU
5.3 MilesNess Drive, Shaldon - TQ14 0HP
10.7 MilesBuckfastleigh - TQ11 0DZ
21 MilesSparkwell, Plymouth - PL7 5DG
27.4 MilesRope Walk, Plymouth - PL4 0LF
31 MilesSummerleaze Farm, Axminster - EX13 7RA
39.7 MilesMurrayton House, Looe - PL13 1NZ
42.7 MilesNew Barn Road, Abbotsbury - DT3 4JG
48.8 MilesWashford Cross, Watchet - TA23 0QB
48.8 MilesLodmoor Country Park, Weymouth - DT4 7SX
Find in Torquay
We also have tourist attractions in Torquay in the following categories. Please click on a category to find all Torquay attractions of that type.
- Amusement Parks (1)
- Museums (2)
- Nature Attractions (2)
- Campgrounds (1)
- All Attractions (7)
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